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香港品牌瓜田下,專為港人搜羅精選鮮甜美味又營養安全的特級哈密瓜。產自發源地新疆,是真正的“瓜中之王”。堅持一藤一瓜,精心耕種,專業管理,注重可持續發展,自然熟成更能充分吸收營養,通過國際農民標準組織(IGSO)優質安全認證。糖度達標並人手採摘後,經48小時內處理和專業冷鏈運送至港,較一般蜜瓜更甜(高達18 Brix),皮薄肉厚,爽脆細嫩,馥郁多汁。包裝新穎獨特,是自食送禮絕佳之選。The Kong Kong brand-Gwaa Tin Haa, provides premium Hami Melon for Hong Kong people from Xinjiang. Each vine has one melon to ensure the perfect quality and rich nutrition. It’s certified by International Standards Organization (IGSO) for safety and sustainability and delivered by cold chain logistics within 48 hrs. The sweet (up to 18 Brix) and juicy melons in unique packaging are best for self-consumption and gift-giving.