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香港老字號西瓜品牌「兔子嘜」創立於1997年,是專為香港人培育精選世界各地優質西瓜,並提供全方位服務的100%香港品牌。兔子嘜於上世紀率先將無籽西瓜引入香港,開創優質西瓜新紀元並佔據市場大半江山。品牌創辦人被香港媒體譽為「西瓜大王」!“新一代嘅西瓜,不一樣的西瓜“,全新兔子嘜8424特選西瓜,甜美多汁、細膩爽口、皮薄肉厚,無籽的麒麟瓜不僅美味升級,還通過國際農民標準組織(IGSO)認證,令人食得安心。用Awwws App掃碼西瓜上二維碼認購正品、追溯源頭並享受72小時換貨保證服務。 The long-established Hong Kong watermelon brand Rabbit Watermelon is exceptionally sweet , juicy, refreshing, and seedless, making it the love of Hong Kong people since 1997 when Rabbit Mark founded. It is "the awesome of the new generation," as shown in the slogan. The new generation of Rabbit Watermelon is not only a delicious upgrade but also provides innovative services such as traceability and a 72-hour after-sales exchange guarantee! Scan the authentic code on the watermelon via Awwws app to enjoy the service! Rabbit Mark 8424 Watermelon has also passed IGSO certification and is grown by good growers to ensure safety and high quality!