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香港品牌-愛慈橙,由在香港有幾十年水果進口經驗的果臨門出品,專為港人搜羅精選世界各地最優質的柳丁。果臨門為三代同堂的家族企業,推出的愛慈橙,是可令全家大細、男女老幼都鍾意食用且營養安全的橙子。愛慈橙分享慈愛,食完充滿陽光活力正能量的甜蜜幸福感受!Lovorange, a Hong Kong brand, is produced by Frutodor, which has decades of experience in fruit importing in Hong Kong, collects and selects the best quality oranges from all over the world for Hong Kong people. Frutodor is a family business with three generations. And Lovorange launched by the company is a nutritious and safe orange that can be eaten by everyone.